Besides reaching my final destination, the best part of flying is the inflight reading provided in the seat pocket. I'm a fan of the old standard, Sky Mall , which is quite possibly the best comedy magazine ever. Check out the bizarre (the evac-u-8 smoke hood) and ridiculous inventions. Our most recent trip, to Philly, to visit Victor, we abondoned the Sky Mall for Air Tran's magazine, Go.
Go was seemingly standard airline reading, complete with way-too-easy crossword, lists of boring restaurants, and the usual "Thanks for flying with us" letter from the airline's CEO. That was until we came to page 61 where the best worst photo in the history of advertising photography was displayed. The accompanying story was titled “Taken For A Ride: Top 10 Theme Parks”--an appropriate title given the scary whale ride granny was subjected to. We almost fell out of seats, numerous times.