I'm pretty confident the readership on this here blog is non-existent and that's okay because I'm writing and posting images here for myself--if someone decides to watch, swell and consider this a big old welcome shrug.
So after many years of looking for a project I have one, a very simple project.
A photo a day.
I've titled my project YesToDay--tis a combo of Yesterday and Today (posting a 'yesterday' image is my slacker safety net) additionally, this title serves as motivation, a JustDoIt of sorts, Yes (
I have to do this) ToDay.
Disclaimer: I'm a quality over quantity sort, but for 2010 producing quantity, no matter how crappy, is the goal, and just so you know, there will be crap.
Because we are now 13 days into 2010 I'm going to post what I have of 2010 here in this post.

01/01/2010. Sleeping off last year.

01/02/2010. Ice cream as a we broach the topic of what's to come. "Xander, I think today is Saturday and the day after tomorrow is Monday. Do you know what happens on Monday? Vaca is over." It was really Sunday.

01/03/2010. The ManChild is a huge fan of puddles. He wears his helmut in case he falls into the puddle. iPhone.

01/03/2010. Plain and simple. The sun, a welcome sight.

01/04/2010. What's the deal with street shoes? I decided I should at least aknowledge it, after passing it by for over 2 months. Turns out this shoe is currently occupied.

01/11/2010. This is a view from a playground around N. Lake Union (aka Vultan Land). The spire in the background holds a special place in my heart.
When I was in Jr. High, this place, I think it was then called The Temple, was a club of urban legends. The sort of legends that would make anyone put down Judy Blume's book Forever. Yes, they were scandelously juicy tales.