Monday, February 20, 2006

Bring on the snails & puppy dog tails because....

This here baby is a boy!

Now, Sir Mallet just has pick one of the two names we've narrowed it down to. I'm ready to call this kid by name, but for now he'll be el Niño.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see if you are posting 8-1/2 week pics! You are too cute.

Katrina said...

This is great! You are really starting to "pop". Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

So you're preggers after all!! What's your work phone number -- I can't find it.

John B

Corey said...

Boys are good! Congrats! I wonder if you'll have to tame your dear black belt sportin' husband at some point for "over-rough-housing". =)