Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Photo School Dropout

I dropped out of photography school and doing so will hopefully bring me out of my photography hole. Reasoning and details below:

  1. The photography I’ve produced while in school is technically 'on' but, to me, lacks vision and direction.
  2. My best work was created prior to school; I hate my current stuff, maybe 'exotic' locales have something to do with it but...........
  3. I need to be in an environment that is inspired by great work, not just 'work'
  4. The school, well....they just can’t get it together; their Ts are topless and their I’s ball-less. That's about all I can say in this public forum without creating bad karma for myself.

So.... here I am, a photo school drop out.

And with that, on to greener pastures I go. Of course these pastures are unmowed, but pastures have a lot more to reveal and are certainly more interesting than just about any lawn.

1 comment:

Corey said...

My goodness - I had no idea what you were experiencing. I'm glad for you to have identified the possible source of the problem. I love all your work, and hope that soon, you do too! Good luck, deary!